AM Best

A.M. Best Revises Outlook to Negative for Badger Mutual Insurance Company


Michael Russo

Financial Analyst

(908) 439-2200, 5372

Gary Davis

Assistant Vice President

(908) 439-2200, 5665

Rachelle Morrow

Senior Manager, Public Relations

(908) 439-2200, ext. 5378

Jim Peavy

Assistant Vice President, Public Relations

(908) 439-2200, ext. 5644


OLDWICK, N.J. - MAY 16, 2011 12:00 AM (EDT)
A.M. Best Co. has revised the outlook to negative from stable and affirmed the financial strength rating of A (Excellent) and issuer credit rating of "a" of Badger Mutual Insurance Company (Badger) (Milwaukee, WI).

The negative outlook reflects the deterioration in Badger's underwriting results, coupled with losses to the company's surplus in recent years. The deterioration in underwriting performance was due to Badger's exposure to significant weather-related losses, which led to three consecutive years of negative underwriting performance.

The affirmation of the ratings reflects Badger's strong risk-adjusted capitalization and long-term agency relationships.

The principal methodology used in determining these ratings is Best's Credit Rating Methodology - Global Life and Non-Life Insurance Edition, which provides a comprehensive explanation of A.M. Best's rating process and highlights the different rating criteria employed. Additional key criteria utilized include: "Risk Management and the Rating Process for Insurance Companies"; "Catastrophe Risk Management Incorporated Within the Rating Analysis"; "Catastrophe Analysis in A.M. Best Ratings"; "Understanding BCAR for Property/Casualty Insurers"; and "Natural Catastrophe Stress Test Methodology." Methodologies can be found at

Founded in 1899, A.M. Best Company is the world's oldest and most authoritative insurance rating and information source.

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AMB# Company Name
000192 Badger Mutual Insurance Company